{Social - Emotional Empowerment Learning & Movement For Girls}
We learned some great lessons during the pandemic and one of those is that we want kids
everywhere to be able to learn the power of movement and how to use their voices to
advocate for themselves and others!
This means ALL of our curricula is now available to download for FREE!
Thanks to generous donors, we are able to ensure all kids everywhere can have access to
Mini Mermaids and Young Tritons!

No experience required. Love for helping girls find out the finish line is just the beginning as they reach for their goals is the number one requirement. Must complete volunteer verification screening, and be willing to commit to all 12 sessions within the six-week session as well as attend 5k race day. Must be prepared to RECRUIT and lead a small group of no more than ten girls, plan, and prep for sessions and work with the girls as they train for the 5k. Must be 18 years or older. Approximate hours required: 30 - 40 from registration to graduation 5k.
Perks: Registration for 5k, t-shirt, all supplies needed for the program, if a parent of a Mini Mermaid on your team - your child participates for free.
No experience needed. Love for helping girls find out the finish line is just the beginning as they reach for their goals is the number one requirement. Must be able to get to and from the sessions. No age limit on Assistant Coaches. Approximate hours required: Dependent on site.
*Assistant coaches do not receive supplies, however, can pay $45 for t-shirt/bag and supplies
No experience required. Must be 18 yrs or older. Available for the graduation 5k from start to finish.
Approximate hours required: 5-6 day of
Want to hit the pavement for MMRC? As we grow, we want to get the word out through posters and flyers. MMRC will send you all the supplies you need to hit your local coffee shop, women's apparel stores and fitness related businesses to hang up info posters and drop off flyers.
Approximate hours required: 2 -5 depending on the geographical reach
If you live close to Santa Cruz California and have time on your hands, we are always looking for help around Mini Mermaid Running Club HQ. From stuffing race day bags to rolling t-shirts - we want you!
Please email us at info@minimermaidrunningclub.org for more info