{Social - Emotional Empowerment Learning & Movement For Girls}
We learned some great lessons during the pandemic and one of those is that we want kids
everywhere to be able to learn the power of movement and how to use their voices to
advocate for themselves and others!
This means ALL of our curricula is now available to download for FREE!
Thanks to generous donors, we are able to ensure all kids everywhere can have access to
Mini Mermaids and Young Tritons!

Hello, I am Mini Mermaid - I stand for bravery, courage, and resilience. I represent the champion within all of us. I am so glad you are here! Kids need to know how important they are, how much they have to offer the world & how much they deserve to chase their own dreams and goals in life. Keep scrolling - we have so much to share.
Mini Mermaids curriculum is:
A journey of self-discovery, confidence-building, and goal-setting. to help girls learn how to process big feelings in life. Mermaids learn how to recognize & amplify their inner champion voice silence their inner critic so they are prepared to reach for and achieve their dreams and goals.
Using a curriculum including instructions, lists of activities, objectives, workouts and journal exercises, adults guide girls through twelve sessions leading up to a 5k run or walk. Girls learn self-compassion for self & others, resilience to navigate failure & success, as well as the confidence to reach their dreams & goals, through the lens of two characters, Mini Mermaid & Siren. They each represent the two voices we hear in the world and in our own hearts. Telling the difference between the two leads to clarity and mindfulness which leads to greater self-compassion and empathy. We teach the girls the value of exercise and moving their bodies regardless of their size, shape or ability. The workouts are not focused on being first or running fast, but rather on each girl finding HER OWN PACE so that they can run THEIR OWN RACE. We use running as a catalyst for deeper conversations with girls, and as a result, while working to reach a goal, they will build up their heart, mind, and body strength.
Girls struggle with stress, anxiety, and might lack safe opportunities to build resilience. Emotions play a powerful role in how we respond to situations no matter how old we are. Learning how to articulate feelings, have the tools to walk through stressful situations and have self-compassion will help our girls develop resilience. What we see and hear also shapes how we make choices in life. We believe by teaching girls how to differentiate between a voice that is meant to minimize (Siren) or keep us small and a voice that is cheering for us and reminding us what we know to be true (Mermaid), they will begin to develop the bravery needed to walk boldly through life. We want to see every child be successful and ready to deal with any spin life throws them - which is why we’ve developed Mini Mermaid Running Club. We believe creating a safe place to try new things and experience the inherent struggles of training for a 5k teaches kids how to grow their heart, mind, and body strength. Growing healthy and balanced kids using movement and social-emotional learning is at the heart of our curriculum.
What is social-emotional learning (SEL)? The process through which we learn tools, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. In other words...live a full, productive, & connected life.

Mini Mermaid Running Club, est, 2009 was started in Santa Cruz, California by Megan Tresham & Heidi Boynton. Megan found her own love of movement through running. Megan, wanting to share the joy of discovering the finish line is just the beginning with her young daughter reached out to Heidi. Heidi coached women (grown-up Mermaids) the very lessons that would translate to Megan's daughter. Those lessons could help her and her peers navigate the inherent challenges we all face. Megan knew that raising up a daughter to be confident, resilient, courageous and brave enough to work hard for her dreams and goals takes focus and intention. Together with a team of amazing writers Mini Mermaid and her story of strength (heart, mind, body) and resilience were born into Mini Mermaid Running Club. Since 2009, thousands of kids (including boys, check out Young Tritons Running Club) around the world have learned the power of moving their bodies, standing up for themselves and having empathy for others.
We believe ALL kids deserve to access to quality curriculum so ALL of our curriculum is available to download for FREE, that's right, no cost to you!!!
Ready. set. go.
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Finding Your Own Voice - Self Discovery.
Girls learn to listen to their inner voice and use tools to navigate the world where truth and lies often sound the same. We teach girls how to tell the difference between the two voices we often hear, inherent truth (Mini Mermaid) and muddled messages (Siren). Download now.
Loving Yourself No Matter What - Self Worth.
Girls learn to love themselves and to recognize and be proud of all they have accomplished. Each of us has attributes to be proud of and we each have attributes we want to work on, learning how to stand up and offer help AND ask for help is critical in making balanced choices for a lifetime. Download now.
Writing Your Own Story - Your words are powerful.
Girls use powerful words to stand up for themselves and others. We focus specifically on anti-bullying techniques and tools to live in a world driven by social media. Download now.
Choosing Your Tribe - Building your community.
Girls learn the importance of choosing friends wisely. Knowing that peer influence is a leading indicator of decision making, we show the girls how to use the tools they have learned to build the tribe that will help them become the young women they deserve to be. Download now.
{Team mermaid for 11 _to 15-year-olds
How can we teach older girls to fail through life's disappointing and stressful moments & take teen Mermaids on a journey to see what’s hidden within them similarly to what we do with Mini Mermaids? By helping teens understand that things like failing, being rejected, making big social mistakes, and feeling betrayed, are a part of life. These are not things that MIGHT happen but WILL happen at some point in their lives. Navigating these moments in life requires tools and strategies to learn how to fail forward and create a more authentic self. Failing forward builds inner courage, inner strength, self-confidence, and the willingness to keep doing the hard work to be everything they can dream of. Download now.

Every Girl Matters.
Every Girl Has A Voice.
F.A.Q .
1. I have never done anything like this, am I qualified?
Great question! Here's how you'll know if you're qualified (spoiler alert..chances are 100% YES)
A. You care about kids.
B. You want to help kids learn how to accept who they are and feel brave to try new and hard things.
C. You have time to run the sessions.
You DO NOT need to be a runner to use this curriculum. Kids need to see movement in all forms. So if you're a walker - GREAT. If you're a jogger - wonderful!!! If you're a world-class runner - awesome!
2. Do I need to register as a coach?
Nope, you're downloading the curriculum and using this program at your own discretion and risk. (Lawyers want us to make that clear). How, when, where you use this curriculum is up to you!
3. Do Mini Mermaids need to register?
They do not! See question three. The same thoughts apply here.
4. Is your company (Mini Mermaid Running Club/MMRC) in charge of our practices or our graduation 5k?
No, we are not. We are here to give you the tools of a free curriculum but you're fully responsible and in charge of how you meet up, who coaches, who participates.