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Mini Mermaid Running Club’s mission is to teach every girl to lead a healthy life by listening to her inner voice, valuing her uniqueness, learning to love movement and discovering the finish line is just the beginning.


Young Tritons Running Club’s mission is to inspire every boy to become emotionally and physically balanced through self-compassion, empathy, cooperation, a broadened definition of strength and discovering the finish line is just the beginning.


We believe in utilizing running, jogging and walking as a teaching method for self-efficacy. We empower children to find their strength inside & out, as well as be kind, authentic voices among their peers & in their communities. We believe teaching children self-compassion leads to empathy for others & when we have empathy for others - we ALL win.


miles run


volunteer hours

finish lines crossed


in scholarships given 


Changing the lives of children by shifting their internal experience and the way they interact with the world around them. All participants train for a local 5K foot race through a structured program.


Inviting children to have open, authentic conversations about their thoughts and feelings, to discover self-compassion and empathy for others.


Redefining strength by exploring heart, mind AND body strength.


Breaking traditional barriers of movement by addressing each child where they are, encouraging them to find their happy pace as a major step to lifelong-balanced fitness.


Striving to get every child across their 5k finish line and arm them with the physical and mental tools needed to run 3.1 miles.


Distinguishing ourselves through our curriculum's character-driven stories, giving children an identity within which they can explore a different world view and try out new behaviors.

 Since its founding,

 Mini Mermaid Running Club 

 has reached over 13,000 girls. 

 5 years after MMRC

was established, YTRC was born to serve our boys community. 

“If I could inspire one girl...



"So excited to see great programs like these to get the next generation moving with positivity".

Lisa Graham, Agile Monkey Pilates, Sponsor


"What I like about running is that when you run all the work and awful feelings of your day just flows away and you feel free like you can do anything".

Grace, Mini Mermaid Participant, Age 11


"I want to support the community, and sponsoring Mini Mermaid Running Club is a great way to do so."

Dave Schmitz, Schmitz Woodworks, Sponsor


This is my second year coaching Mini Mermaids. The decision to start was a no-brainer for me because running is my passion. If I could inspire one girl to love running that would be great. Hopefully, they will all develop a lifelong love of being active."
Stephanie, MM Coach, Arizona


“I decided to coach a MMRC to help increase self-esteem and fitness in my daughter and other girls her age and also, to have scheduled exercise for myself. I loved every second of coaching. I learned that every girl can benefit from this program. I can't wait to coach another team. Our girls and their moms are still getting together and running once a week.”
 MM Coach Jen, San Diego, Califonia


"This morning Avery, read me, the ‘Triton’ cards, that he filled out, preparing him for the race, they are lovely and introspective.  I am so happy, that Del Mar, now has the ‘Triton Running Club’ for the boys, so important, to have an activity, made available, that takes boys on this journey, of ultimate accomplishment.  I’m so grateful, to you and the staff, that gave their time, to this amazing program.  I was thrilled, that Avery followed through, and made it to the finish line. Go Triton’s, Go Del Mar Elementary, the Best School Ever!!!!"
Mom of a Young Triton


"I kept my team together almost every time we ran. This was important because this is what it meant to be a team, a concept none of them understood and the most important vehicle to teach them about heart and mind strength.  Built into that was the understanding of body strength as endurance, not just speed.  It took five weeks for them to become a team. Five weeks and a lot of push ups. In week 6 we became a team and they were supporting and communicating with one another as a team. So on race day, we ran as a team. We ran as one team for the entire 5k.  And we finished as a team, all at once.  And this was beautiful and inspiring."

Coach Ben



of our participants live AT or BELOW the poverty line. In many of their schools, they have little access to fun fitness-focused after-school programs. Your sponsorship will support kids in participating in Mini Mermaids and Young Tritons. 

Who will see you?

 21k+ unique email address list 

 5k VIP unique email list
(*VIP = most active connections)


 20K+ Social Media Reach across channels 

89.8% Female 9.8% Male

65.5% Ages 35-54 


 Run Sweat Love 5k/1k Running Events 

Santa Cruz = 3000 participants/3000 spectators

San Jose = 1500 participants/2000 spectators


Title Sponsorship


(1 available) Includes the following:

• Naming rights, presenting partner for Mini Mermaid Running Club (MMRC), Young Tritons Running Club (YTRC) and Run Sweat Love (RSL) Events for 2019/2020 school year.

• Name on bibs for MMRC Programming and RSL Events (5000+ participants) 

• Logo on front of MMRC/YTRC curriculum and journals

• Prime positioning on MMRC/RSL shirts* distributed nationally (5000+)

• Websites front page “Powered by (company name)

• A dedicated email announcing the partnership

• Logo branded on monthly newsletter seen by 21k+ unique addresses

• Booth space at both RSL races (November 2019/April 2020)

• Materials distributed in RSL race goody bags (November 2019/April 2020)

• Company/Brand shout-outs from Race Announcer at RSL races

• Year-round messaging of the partnership via social media

• Digital marketing postcards produced for you by MMRC to use x 3

• 20 Race Entries for Employees/Friends/Family at RSL race of their choosing


Supporting Sponsor 


(2 available) Includes the following:

• One of two sponsor logos on coaches bags - 500+ qty

• Secondary positioning on MMRC/RSL shirts* distributed nationally (5000+)

• Listed on MMRC/YTRC/RSL website sponsors page

• Booth space at both 2019/20 Run Sweat Love races

• Materials distributed in Run Sweat Love race goody bags (November/April)

• Company/Brand shout-outs from Race Announcer at races

• 3 monthly newsletters presented by “your company” to current database 21k+ unique addresses

• 5 social media blasts content provided by MMRC

• 15 Race Entries for Employees/Friends/Family at Run Sweat Love race of their choosing




(4 available) Includes the following:

• Small logo placement on MMRC/RSL shirts* distributed nationally (5000+)

• Listed on MMRC/YTRC/RSL website sponsors page

• Booth space at both Run Sweat Love races (November/April)

• Materials distributed in race goody bags

• Company/Brand shout-outs from Race Announcer at races

• 3 social media blasts content provided by MMRC

• 5 Race Entries for Employees/Friends/Family at Run Sweat Love race of their choosing




(6 available) Includes the following:

• Smaller logo placement on MMRC/RSL shirts* distributed nationally (5000+)

• Listed on MMRC/YTRC/RSL website sponsors page

• Booth space at both Run Sweat Love races (November/April)

• Materials distributed in race goody bags

• Company/Brand shout-outs from Race Announcer at races

• 3 social media blasts content provided by MMRC

• 4 Race Entries for Employees/Friends/Family at Run Sweat Love race of their choosing


Run Sweat Love Event Sponsor


Includes the following:

• Listed on Run Sweat Love (RSL) website sponsors page

• Booth space at one RSL race (Santa Cruz or San Jose)

• Distribution of marketing materials to participants

• Company/Brand shout-outs from Race Announcer

• 2 social media blasts, content provided to MMRC

• 3 Race Entries for Employees/Friends/Family at RSL race of their choosing




• Listed on MMRC/YTRC website sponsors page

• Materials distributed in Run Sweat Love race goody bags with 2000 anticipated Santa Cruz and Santa            Clara County participants

• Company/Brand shout-outs from Race Announcer at races

• 2 social media blasts, content provided to MMRC

• 2 Race Entries for Employees/Friends/Family at Run Sweat Love race of their choosing


Friends and Family Wall Of Fame


• Name listed on all MMRC/RSL  shirts* distributed nationally (4000+)

• 2 Race Entries for Employees/Friends/Family at Run Sweat Love race of their choosing


*must contribute before August 15th, 2019 


Mini Mermaid Running Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Santa Cruz, CA


for your interest in becoming a sponsor. We look forward to working with you 



Please email Martin at

for more details.



Visit our websites to learn more about our organizations.


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Mini Mermaid Running Club.  Self-development program for girls.

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