Get started on your Young Triton journey with this complete kit including all you need for a team of 10 Young Tritons and a coach.
Curriculum 3 "Building Resilience - You Can Do It!" in our series of 3 teaches Young Tritons aged 6 - 13 what it looks like to build resilience and be brave enough to try hard things.
This third installment of Young Tritons Running Club focuses on developing resilience. We all struggle sometimes, but those who find the most success and the most emotional health have resilience, the ability to overcome challenges that might derail us otherwise. Whether academic, professional, personal, or social, we will all be met by seemingly impossible obstacles. Becoming resilient is what allows us to find appropriate and healthy ways to our goals regardless or even as a result of the obstacles.
Kids often struggle the first few times they encounter difficulty. The support they get from others, the value of the goal, and its connection to them define how they will react. Simply put, our children need quality relationships and valuable goals with meaning to them. When these three elements are present, people develop resilience.
With this curriculum, your team will work towards running a 5k, whether that's a race in your community or one you make yourself at the culmination of your club - this program will give you all you need to help everyone find their own happy pace and discover this finish line is just the beginning of what's possible in life.
This Team Kit Includes:
Coach Handbook With All Workouts, Lessons, and Activities
10 Training Log Packs for your Young Tritons (Includes Full-Color Training Log + Finishers Certificate)
Young Tritons Running Club Curriculum 3
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For information, address Mini Mermaid Running Club, 350 12th Ave, Santa Cruz, CA 95062.
Published by Mini Mermaid Running Club Santa Cruz/California Copyright © 2010 by Mini Mermaid Running Club (MMRC). All rights reserved.