{Social - Emotional Empowerment Learning & Movement For Girls}
We learned some great lessons during the pandemic and one of those is that we want kids
everywhere to be able to learn the power of movement and how to use their voices to
advocate for themselves and others!
This means ALL of our curricula is now available to download for FREE!
Thanks to generous donors, we are able to ensure all kids everywhere can have access to
Mini Mermaids and Young Tritons!
What started ten years ago as a way to teach girls, at a low-income California school, to fall in love with movement and realize their fullest potential, has turned into a worldwide movement that creates a safe place for kids from all walks of life to feel valued, safe, and unstoppable.
As we head into 2020 and celebrate all the growth and changes, we begin with a story that reflects our mission from the very start - to reach girls living in poor communities that can't afford afterschool programs. And by doing so, we teach them to lead a balanced life by listening to their inner voice, valuing their uniqueness, learning to love movement and discovering the finish line is just the beginning.
We recently traveled to rural Alabama to catch up with two incredible coaches, both moms, AND teachers volunteering their time. They are using Mini Mermaids as a way to reach the poorest girls in their communities, help bridge racial divides, create a safe place, and help them work through life's tough moments. They are doing all of this by using movement, teamwork, connection, and belonging. I can't wait for you to meet them. I hope you'll see what I see- an investment of time, money, heart, and determination is well worth it and paying dividends in lives changed. Click this link to watch their video.
It's because of you we can do this.
With you on our side, we're unstoppable.
Thank you for getting us this far, now let's keep going. To commemorate ten years we are raising $10,000, you in?
In gratitude -
Heidi Boynton, CEO/Co-Founder, Mini Mermaids & Young Tritons
Donate HERE